There are no regrets in life,
just lessons learned.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

"Hide And Seek"

Where are we?

What the hell is going on?

The dust has only just begun to fall,

Crop circles in the carpet, sinking, feeling.

Spin me round again and rub my eyes.

This can't be happening.

When busy streets a mess with peoplewould stop to hold their heads heavy.

Hide and seek.

Trains and sewing machines.

All those years they were here first.

Oily marks appear on walls

Where pleasure moments hung before.

The takeover, the sweeping insensitivity of this still life.

Hide and seek.

Trains and sewing machines.

(Oh, you won't catch me around here)

Blood and tears,

They were here first.

Mmm, what you say?

Mm, that you only meant well?

Well, of course you did.

Mmm, what you say?

Mm, that it's all for the best?

Ah of course it is.

Mmm, what you say?

Mm, that it's just what we need?

And you decided this.

Mmm what you say?

What did she say?

Ransom notes keep falling out your mouth.

Mid-sweet talk, newspaper word cut-outs.

Speak no feeling, no I don't believe you.

You don't care a bit. You don't care a bit.

Ransom notes keep falling out your mouth.

Mid-sweet talk, newspaper word cut-outs.

Speak no feeling, no I don't believe you.

You don't care a bit. You don't care a bit.You don't care a bit.You don't care a bit.You don't care a bit.You don't care a bit.You don't care a bit.

This is theme song in my life right now...that and Paper Wings by Rise Against thanks to a certain someone (you know who you are lol). I'm just now at a point in my life where I've finally gotten over the first relationship I was ever in...The relationship lasted almost 2 years and it was definitely an affair to remember. But it did not end so well and everything was pretty much left unsettled and up in the air...To say there was "no closure" is an understatement. But I've finally come to terms with everything and despite the fact that he never respected or loved me enough to let me know where we stand, I'm no longer waiting for him to reappear in my life. I love where Immi says "you decided this." Apparently, he thought he could just leave me hanging and that was something acceptable ..when it completely wasn't. *Sigh* Nonetheless, I'm okay and don't need that closure as much as I wanted it...I wish him the best in all he chooses to do and I hope he reaches the potential I know he has. He will always hold a place in my heart but "there's a train leaving town in an hour..
it's not waiting for him, and neither am I."

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