How old are you today? 19! Almost done with the teensss
Have you ever dyed your hair? Of courseeee but im letting it go back to my natural color
What is the last movie you watched? Anastatia haha the kids movie
How do you vent anger? Listen to music really loud, get in whatever car i have and speed, call someone or text
What was your favorite childhood toy? ohh thats tough baseball mit and ball
What is on the floor of your closet? shoes boxes laundry basket
What are you most afraid of? Losing my integrity and not being loved
What is your favorite kind of dog? ummm husky or jack russel terrier
Favorite day of the week? I dont have one
You’re offered your own late night talk show. If it were completely up to you, what would you the name of the show to be? "Let me rock your socks off" hahahahaha
Which actor or actress would you want as your first guest? these are all tough questions hahaha Adam Sandler
Can you drive a stick shift? Sadly no but I'm dying to learn.
Which comedian would you want as your first comedy performer? Mitch Hedberg
Which musician or group would you want to be the first musical performer on your show? ben gibbard or city&colour
Which existing song or melody would you select for your theme song if writing something specifically for your show wasn’t an option? Swing Life Away Rise Against
Suppose you could magically go back in time and bring back any performer of any kind, living or dead, to be your first guest: who would you select? Audrey Hepburn!
What's your favorite thing to add vinegar to? um eww
What's something weird you've added to normal food? Im not a fan of putting abnormal things on my food...
Do you think before you speak? I try...but it doesnt always work out so well
Does it make you mad when people stare at you? only if theyre creepers ha
Do you feel awkward when strangers say hi to you? Not at all. usually im the stranger sayin hello hhahha
Are you listening to music right now? nope
What’s your most memorable dream? i have 2..being pushed into a volcano before my baptism and seeing my mother murdered by my Step dad
How many cell phones have you had in your life so far? 4 or 5
Did your parents spoil you as a child? in a way but we lacked what we truly needed from them :,/
Will this weekend be a good one? Hope so!
What are you craving right now? Zzzzzz's.
Have you cried today at all? um yes actually im so overtired
Would you rather get up early or sleep in? Once Im asleep I like to stay that way.
Do you use chapstick? all the time. gotta keep these puckers soft hehe
Are you wearing shorts at the moment? nope that would be last sunday. yes i know its february ha
What is your favorite thing to shop for? music or accessories
What are you listening to at the moment? ppl being loud
Which is worse – being too hot in bed or too cold? umm both are rough
What is the nearest green object to you? a pic frame
Has anything strange happened to you in the past week? not really
What was the last thing you put in your mouth? hahaha wow .. hehehehehe...sherbert
What was the last picture you took of? me and Kyle Poy
Do you wriggle in bed so much that you wake up facing a different way to how you started? hahaha i used to be like that every night.. you cant even imagine how much of a fidgeter i used to be
Do you like yourself? I'm happy to say I do. Obv always things I would like to change but I know Im decent
Are you a girly girl? pssshh if you only knew me...i can def be but not really ...tomboy at heart
Big or small purses? everythings better when its bigger hahahahahahaha
Who was the last person that you cried in front of? Jenni :b
Have you ever crawled through a window? yesss ahaha i was devious and sneaky ..about a year ago
Does coffee wake you up? Nope.doesnt have the same affect it used to
Look behind you, what do you see? A desk
Have you ever worked in a food place? Yep! I work at Panera haha
Do you wear your seat belt in the car? with the way I crash? hecks yes could save my life
Are you happy right now? almost completely just need a car
What do you normally do last thing before going to bed? pray take contacts out and watch an episode of my fav show on the laptop
Do you hurt anywhere? anywhere? try everywhere!!!
Have you smiled today? yep why i cant remember..ahh yes i was stuffing yummy vietnames food into my mouth hahaha
Have you ever had Mike's Hard Lemonade? oh yes me likee
Do you have an iPhone? psshh overrated crap
What was your biggest night time fear as a child?
my dark closet and the dark
How old will you be in four years? 23.5
How old do people normally guess you are? early twentties
How many windows are open on your computer? 2 google and my blog
Is there any jewelery [sic] you always wear? earrings always
Are you a mean person? i can be without meaning to ..hate that
Would you rather have ice cream or cake for dessert? Ice cream cake.. how bout that
This time last year, do you remember who you were dating? umm no i was actually newly broken up
Have you ever had a recurring dream? yeah one i wish would go away..running away from Cindy
What’s under your bed? roller blades, tennis rackets, storage, shoes
Hey just a tip. There this thing called page break which seperates your post so it doesnt have to be too long and you hit more to see it <3 ben