There are no regrets in life,
just lessons learned.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Growing Up ...


Well, I have to come to the conclusion that there are never drama free days in life. Just different amounts and types. Different people Different situations but always some form of drama. Its something you can never escape. But with Jehovah's help and some good, reliable ears to talk is possible to cope. Eeishhhh vey! Sometimes I just want to move far away!!!!

I think that its truly sad when people don't benefit from Jehovah's discipline and love the first few times around...Its like how can you not appreciate Jehovah's forgiveness enough to keep your nose clean? Granted we all have our set backs but not the same ones over and over again...IDK I'm basically just rambling right now.

Yesterday - Drama and Service. Study and Drama. Baby sitting and Annoyances. Today - Work. Getting ready for the 50's party tomorrow. Oh and Drama! LMBO Along with potential plans for a regular Family study for me and my good friend AP along with plans to relocate and progress and just totally caterpillar into Spiritual Butterflies. BITTERSWEET.

Best thing about life - its never so bad that it can't get worse. - Author Unknown
In the book of life, the answers aren't in the back. (Charlie Brown) - Charles Schulz
Challenges make life interesting, however, overcoming them is what makes life meaningful. - Mark Twain

The bad news is time flies. The good news is you're the pilot. - Michael Altshuler
If we're always looking in the rear view mirror it's hard to keep our eyes on the road ahead. - Author Unknown

Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, others make it happen. - Michael Jordan
It is far more powerful to live your truth than to preach it. - Author Unknown

And after everything I've been through, I still rise.

Life is a precious gift, ove is a wonderful gift, and laughter is glorious gift. So live life to the fullest, love with all your heart, and laugh as much as you breathe.
Life is like a roller coaster; you get jerked one way and another, and you never know whats around the corner, but you just got to enjoy the ride!

life isn't always easy, it's full of tough decisions and heartache,
and things don't always work out the way we hoped.
life just doesn't come with guarantees. and while it's true that sometimes,
by avoiding taking a chance on people, we can avoid some heartache,
we might also miss out on the best times of our life. don't be afraid to love.
No matter how far you go down the wrong road, you can always turn back.

Laugh your heart out. Dance in the rain. Cherish the memories.
Ignore the pain, love and learn, forget and forgive because
You only have one life to live ♥

Say what you feel and do what you want to do.
Regret nothing and don't let people who don't matter
Bring You Down
don't worry about people in your past
there is a reason they didn't make it to your future.

Life is a beauty; admit it. Life is bliss; taste it.
Life is a dream; realize it. Life is challenge; meet it.
Life is a duty; complete it. Life is a game; play it
Life is a promise; fullfill it. Life is sorrow; overcome it.
Life is a song; sing it. Life is a struggle; accept it.
Life is a tragedy; confront it. Life is an adventure; dare it.
Life is luck; make it. Life is too precious; do not destroy it.
Life is life; fight for it.

things change and friends leave but life doesn't stop for anybody
every story has an end but in life every ending is a new beginning

learn from your mistakes but never regret. people change & things go wrong
but always remember life goes on.

live the life you want to live. be the person you want to remember.
make decisions, make mistake, if you fail, at least you tried.

swallow your tears hide your frown
never let life bring you down

life doesn't hurt until you think about it.
who you've lost along the way,
and how much of it was your fault.

pain and suffering ends only when you want it to.
put your past behind you and move forward.
never back down form what life throws in your face.
our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.
- martin luther king, jr.
life is like an hourglass
when everything hits rock bottom
all you have to do is wait
for something to come along
and turn it around

people too weak to follow their own dreams
will always find a way to discourage yours.

i don't forgive people because i'm weak
i forgive them because i am strong enough to know
people make mistakes

sometimes you have to experience things for yourself
in order to get through what others have been
telling you all along to do.
you can't change the past

never have regrets.
because at one point; what you did was exactly what you wanted.

People are like dirt.
They can either nourish you & help you grow as a person
or they can stunt your growth & make you wilt and die.

mistakes only make us stronger
who are you to judge the life i live?
i'm not perfect & i don't live to be,
but before you start pointing fingers,
make sure your hands are clean.

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